Education Knowledge

How to make english studies easy with NCERT

English is currently widely regarded as the most crucial topic and language that students cannot afford to miss.

As such, if you wish to stand out from the crowd, you must be fluent in English

Students in class 11 fail to focus on grammar, but they must remember that it is the most scoring area with the possibility to earn complete marks on the board exam.

Regardless of whether students are in the Humanities, Commerce, or Science stream, preparations for the board exams are in full flow.

Everyone is required to take English. Fortunately, if one prepares well, this paper can be passed with flying colours.

Find some helpful ideas and tactics for scoring high on the English exam if you want to do your best in the exams this year.

Format of exam 

  • Section A comprises comprehension, which is an unseen passage in which students must correctly answer the questions.
  • This component is designed to assess the student’s understanding abilities.
  • Section B focuses on writing skills, with students being asked to write in a variety of genres such as letters, notices, articles, and essays.
  • The grammar test in Section C asks students to answer questions about tenses, punctuation, synonyms, translation, and other topics.
  • Students must respond to questions in Section D, which contains literature and poems.


  • The English test is divided into several sections, including literature, additional material, grammar, and writing skills.
  • Two unread sections (including poems) with a range of questions, including four points for vocabulary such as word derivation and inference. 
  • The two passages, comprising a poem or a stanza, will have a total word count of roughly 900-1000 words.
  • Questions with a short answer based on a notice/poster/advertisement.
  • Letters based on verbal/visual input in long answer questions. It would be applicable to all letter types.
  • The following are examples of letter types:
  1. Official or business letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies)
  2. Submissions to the editor (giving suggestions on an issue)
  3. Application for a job with a bio-data or resume letter to the school or college authorities, for admissions, school issues, course requirements/suitability, and so on.
    • Question with a Very Long Answer: Composition in the form of an essay, a speech, a report, or a narrative.
    • Different grammatical constructs will be put to the test in real-life situations.
    • Gap filling, sentence reordering, conversation completion, and sentence modification will be among the item categories.
    • Determiners, tenses, clauses, modals, and Change of Voice will all be covered in the grammar curriculum.



  • Hornbill is a textbook produced by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).
  • NCERT’s Supplementary Reader has been provided in a series of snapshots.
  • The following lessons have been removed from the curriculum:

The Soul’s Landscape

Silk Road: An Adventure

Top of the Laburnum (Poetry)

The One-and-Only World’s Ghat (Snapshots)

  • CBSE has made compulsory reading of a Long Reading Text – Novel in the English Core Course in order to instil the habit of reading in pupils.
  • Students must master questions and answers in the literature and supplemental segment, while the grammar and writing section requires them to grasp the fundamentals of grammatical principles and vocabulary.

Marking scheme 

  • The English Core test in class 11th consists of four components and is worth 100 points.
  • Section A (20 points): Reading Skills
  • Section B (30 points): Writing Skills and Grammar
  • Literature and Long Reading (Section C) 30 marks for text
  • Section D (20 points): Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills
  • Comprehension is one of the two sections in Reading Skills. These two passages will be around 1000 words long.
  • Short and long type questions, as well as formal letters, are available under Writing and Grammar, including job application letters, letters to school or college authorities, letters to the editor, and more.
  • Speaking and listening skills will be assessed using the Compulsory Novel as a baseline. Schools have the ability to
  • Multiple choice questions on Error Correction, editing activities, reordering sentences, and sentence transformation will be offered to test your grammar skills.
  • Long Reading & Literature Short and long type questions based on poetry are included in the book to assess comprehension and enjoyment of the context. You can find this information in the NCERT textbooks ‘Hornbill’ and ‘Snapshots.’
  • Speaking and listening skills will be assessed using the Compulsory Novel as a baseline. The following texts are available for schools to choose from: Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Canterville Ghost’

How to prepare 

  • Practice writing these formats over and again to confirm that you just can write them perfectly in exams. 
  • Make a powerful first impression along with your introduction and conclusion while drafting your letter. 
  • Read the questions before reading the comprehension passages in your CBSE Class 12 English paper since this can facilitate your identify the areas of the passage that contain the answers when reading.
  • Concentrating on the grammar section is the best method to study English. The types of papers you’ll be writing include comprehension, letter writing, essays, and so on.
  • To reduce grammatical errors, practise writing essays and responses on a regular basis.
  • Read one chapter per day and jot down your thoughts on the issues that are most important to you.
  • To improve your pronunciation and vocabulary, read the chapter aloud.
  • Prepare a list of poets and authors’ names in the form of notes or cards.
  • Read the stories several times to get a better understanding of the details.
  • For test preparation, use NCERT books because most of the questions are based on the same reference.
  • Set aside time to study each portion, and do not begin a new chapter on the exam day.
  • Reading a large number of books can help you improve your vocabulary. By practising a language, one can gain a good understanding of it.
  • Speaking English gives you an excellent foundation in the language.
  • Punctuation marks, adjectives, nouns, and sentence construction are all important.
  • Reading newspapers and books can be really beneficial.
  • To be an expert in English, we must not only speak well, but also listen well.
  • The right spelling of the words is aided by proper pronunciation.

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