Health Knowledge


As the school holidays approach, which not only children but also parents who are very tired of combining distance learning with other responsibilities are eagerly awaiting, more travel is also expected to countries where the sun has already reached its zenith. According to data from AAS BALTA (PZU group), the most popular destinations are currently Egypt, the Canary Islands, the United Arab Emirates and the Maldives – countries that are still open to tourists even in the face of Covid-19. The insurer reminds that people travel, the number of available destinations is also quite large, but you need to understand that travel is currently associated with various restrictions, without which travel plans can be unpleasantly changed. Airport taxi is a must thing while travelling in an abroad country to stay away from the infection.

A complete suspension of travel was observed in April and May 2020, when state borders were closed. Travelers also dropped sharply ahead of Christmas – both due to a new type of virus and closed international passenger traffic due to the pandemic. But now, despite the rather tight restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, people are once again happy to travel. Ludmila Schegoleva, head of the personal insurance products department at BALTA, has summarized useful recommendations that should be taken into account so that the trip will bring joy and not turn into a headache instead of the expected rest.

Read the conditions of entry into the country

Each country has its own conditions of entry, which, moreover, can vary from week to week. Many countries impose travel restrictions or mandatory self-isolation if the traveler’s 14-day cumulative incidence rate exceeds a certain number. In Latvia it is 50, but many countries rely on colorprinciple on a single map of the European Union, where Latvia is currently included in the most dangerous – dark red – zone. This means that various restrictions apply when entering any other country. Therefore, the first thing a traveler needs to do is familiarize himself with the conditions of entry and take them into account when planning a trip. For example, if a mandatory 10-day self-isolation is introduced when entering the territory of the state, it may happen that the planned trip is shorter than the self-isolation period.

Currently, about 90% of countries in the world require that those who enter must provide a negative test for Covid-19, done no later than 48 or 72 hours before leaving their country. Such a test must also be presented when returning to Latvia, so it should be borne in mind that during the trip you will need to take the test in the country where you are, familiarize yourself with the rules for conducting this test, and take into account additional costs.

For example, upon arrival in Thailand, each visitor must provide a negative test result for Covid-19 and a confirmation from a doctor in English that the person is healthy, as well as a travel insurance policy that includes at least $ 100,000 for Covid-19 treatment. … In addition, the traveler must comply with 14 days of self-isolation in a government-designated accommodation, the costs of which must be borne by the traveler.

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