Health Knowledge

Reasons Why You Should Go to an Endodontist in NYC

Trying to maintain the health of your teeth and gums in an impeccable state just by having a good oral hygiene routine can sometimes not be enough. There is a long list of common dental pulp diseases that can also affect the overall well-being of your organism if left untreated. An endodontist NYC main job description involves treating dental pulp diseases. The main goal when trying to treat a tooth problem is finding the best solution to save the natural tooth by bringing it back to a healthy state. The best root canal specialist NYC focuses on both repairing and saving your natural teeth.

Endodontics Specialty and the Best Root Canal Specialist in NYC

In order to have a better understanding of what an endodontist NYC does, you first need to know what the study of endodontics is based on. This particular dentistry specialty mainly encircles the study and practice of both basic and clinical sciences of the dental pulp, trying to find the origin of the cause, offer a proper diagnosis, and apply the best treatment to the disease or injury affecting the dental pulp. In more clinical terms, it involves either preserving the part of the entire pulp in full health, in order to not cause any pain or problems again, or taking out all of the dental pulp in case of irreparable damage. This type of damage appears during a serious inflammation and infected pulpal tissue.

Endodontics not only offer care when the pulp is present but also focus on maintaining teeth that have not responded to any of the non-endodontic treatments applied. In a shorter and more understandable explanation, an endodontist in NYC treats tooth pain. And pain is caused by nerves. So, you can say root canal specialist when referring to this type of dentist. The best root canal specialist NYC cares for overall teeth well-being but also for preserving their natural state.

Endodontist NYC Versus Dentists NYC

While they are both dentists that provide care for the health of your teeth and gums and help maintain them in a good state, one is a specialty whereas the other has a more general focus.

Dentists are general dental healthcare providers who engage in performing checkups, dental cleanings, and whitening, offering diagnoses on oral health issues and that perform more basic procedures such as gum treatments, fillings, and crowns. Practitioners that studied dentistry have earned either a DDS, Doctor of Dental Surgery diploma, or a DMD which means Doctor of Dental Medicine status. Both with either one of these degrees could have passed the certification exam to obtain their doctorate degree.

This point is usually the moment in which endodontists’ and dentists’ journeys start taking different roads. In order to specialize in endodontics, it is required to go on to study for two additional years, or even more than two in the field, to learn all the required treatment options existing to help patients maintain the health of their natural teeth as much time as possible. Only after receiving a certification in this specialized dental domain can an endodontist NYC start its practice and be the best root canal specialist in NYC.

Main Responsibilities in Endodontics

A dental doctor specialized in endodontics generally focuses on applying procedures and care strictly regarding the inner tissue of a tooth, called the dental pulp. The dental pulp is situated in the center of the teeth and it consists of living connective tissues that sometimes get infected due to various reasons. That connective tissue is made of nerves and blood vessels. So usually when a tooth hurts, a cavity or another type of infection has reached the dental pulp, causing inflammation to the nerve and nerve damage. In this case, an endodontic can assess and conclude whether you need a root canal or a mild care treatment. Here are some more responsibilities present when the best root canal specialist NYC is working the job:

  • Seeing patients with tooth pain in order to be diagnosed and treated
  • Applying routine or more complicated root canal procedures
  • Discussing with patients to approach the best pain treatment plan
  • Utilizing the X-ray machine to look more closely within the dental pulp and to precisely locate the damaged nerve that is causing problems
  • Leading and teaching a dental staff in providing the best oral care or performing more complicated local procedures
  • The best root canal specialist in NYC primarily performs non-surgical root canal treatments, endodontic types of surgeries, and apicoectomies.

The Process of Root Canals

A root canal is usually needed when the tooth has been physically displaced or when the dental nerve has fallen in decay and the pain has appeared. The physiology of dental nerves is quite instrumental when coming to this whole unexpected nerve damage symptoms and in most cases, it results in the need for a root canal therapy. The process usually starts with a local anesthesia due to being considered a painful experience. A small hole in the problematic tooth is made so that the endodontist can have access inside the tooth, the area can be cleaned, and the dental pulp to be properly assessed, removed, and treated.

After the treatment has been applied, the surfaces of the inner tooth are thoroughly cleaned again, disinfected, and shaped, and only after that, the hole has to be sealed. A rubber filling material is introduced in the hole in order to seal the entire tooth and to preserve the medicine inside the dental pulp. Depending on the case, only the endodontist NYC can conclude what type of material is used for the filling. The most commonly used is the rubber one called gutta-percha. This is a temporary filling placed to seal the area and to prevent bacteria from reaching in again. In case the infection is severe, the patient may be called to pay more than one visit to the best root canal specialist NYC, to get the issues solved entirely in the process. If this should be the case, a temporary filling is used to seal the tooth between visits. The procedures can entirely differ from one patient to another, depending on the gravity of the situation, how bad the cavities are and how far into the inner tooth has the infection reached.


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