
Save Environment Essay 100 Words – Save Environment Speech

Save Environment Essay 100 Words: An environment is a natural world which circles the earth and addresses a particular geographical domain in which human beings, plants, animals, and other living and non-living things exist. Our operations in the planet are now terrorizing the health and vitality of our planet, the land we reside and work on, the water stocks, the ozone layer, the animal varieties as well as the well-being of our species.

Well if you are considering so much about your family and friends how about heeding a little bit about the environment around? Anyhow, here goes a short save environment essay 100 words. This save environment essay could also be used as a save environment speech.

(A) Save Environment Essay 100 Words

save environment essay

We are considerably narrow when it comes to saving environment around us. On one side we relish the magnificence of nature but there is no such force to defend or save it from any disaster. Though the government and Non-governmental organization’s are taking measures, nothing compelling is happening. The rise of global warming has matured a pressing threat to nature. With time it is slaying every little part of this elegant creation. 

With global warming and fluctuating energy expenses, many of us strive with how to go green and the cost factor so that they can be associated with it. There are multiple low costs and easy ways to both save the environment and save expenses at the same time. 

(B) Save Environment Speech 100 Words

Good Morning/Good afternoon

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, 

Today I’m going to speak a few lines on the topic ‘Save Environment‘. 

Environmental pollution is one of the chief predicament facing our modernized world. The people of this earth are the actual individuals behind the damage to the environment. Our innovation or we could say, ‘technology’ is wholly accountable for this exhaustion of nature. Though we have invented new things for advancement, we actually haven’t chalked out alternatives to save the most inestimable thing in the world.

The eventuality of our world is unexplored but with steadfast development, we can try to assure a better essence of life for every living being by becoming an apprised citizen. It is a key piece in saving our environment possible.

 Though there have been extensive technological improvements in these recent days, they have come with many many repugnant impressions to the environment. By doing an easy thing like planting a tree, we shall be proffering the world a safer and reliable place and for sure we shall invariably live to be noble of our accomplishment.

With these few lines, I’d like to conclude my Save Environment speech. 

Thank You. 

Here are some of the facts about the environment you might like: 

  • The United States is the number 1 trash-producing country in the entire world. (Read More)
  • It might sound bogus but seventy-eight percent of aquatic mammals are intimidated by accidental deaths, such as getting snagged in fishing nets.
  • Roughly five million tons of oil produced in the world each year departs in the ocean.
  • Approximately 25,000 trees are chopped down each day to produce toilet papers.

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  1.' Ashish August 24, 2018

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