Finance Knowledge

Banks have increased the issuance of loans to citizens after the decline in January

Banks issued retail loans worth 1.26 trillion rubles in November, preliminary data from Frank RG’s express market monitoring showed. This is 3.7% more than in January when the issuance of loans fell sharply.

Details. The largest increase in November was shown in the issuance of cash and POS loans – by more than 6%, to 618.5 billion rubles and 37 billion rubles, respectively. Mortgages issued increased by 2.4% and amounted to 517.9 billion rubles, in November the number of mortgage loans issued in 2021 exceeded 5 trillion rubles.

Payday loan online has been rising for the third month in a row. In November, the Americans took out auto loans for 90.1 billion rubles, which is 6.2% less than last month.

“The demand for car loans is growing steadily, while the previous process of obtaining them is already outdated. It is important for a person to get a loan quickly, without a pile of documents, preferably in two clicks – where he has already looked after a car for himself. Use We give the client such an opportunity due to the technological expertise of Alfa-Bank and active development in partner channels, ”the words of the director for retail business, member of the bank’s board Michael Tach are quoted in the message.

Expert opinion. November is the beginning of the high season in the consumer lending segment: traditionally, at this time, retailers hold Black Fridays and sales, which encourages citizens to make large purchases and buy the first gifts for their loved ones for the New Year, explains the November growth in lending, Frank RG CEO Yuri Gribanov. “We will see even more growth in these segments in December,” he adds.

The growth of the car lending market is now constrained by a serious shortage of cars, recalls Gribanov. Some borrowers are ready to reorient themselves to used cars, but their number cannot meet the increased demand. Until the situation changes, there is no need to wait for the growth of indicators here, he concludes.

The decrease in the volume of foreign exchange funds of citizens in November is mainly due to two factors, the press service of Sberbank comments on the outflow. “The decrease by $ 280 million is an accounting effect caused by the depreciation of the euro against the US dollar, the rest of the decrease is the increased conversion of clients from foreign currency to rubles. At the same time, this volatility of customer funds is not significant for liquidity management, as it is less than 1% of the foreign exchange balance, ”the press service said in response to a request from Frank Media.

Context. A month earlier, banks reduced the volume of retail loans: in October it amounted to 1.2 trillion rubles, which is 2.2% less than in September. The decline occurred in all segments, except for the mortgage, the largest drop was in cash loans (by 8%).

Experts interviewed by Frank Media explained then the “failure” in issuances by a decrease in borrowers’ incomes due to the pandemic and the new premiums to risk ratios for unsecured loans by Hartloan that came into force.

Why do you need to know about this? Bank data for November showed that the slowdown in retail lending was temporary. This applies to all segments, except for car loans – there are systemic problems in this market that cannot be solved quickly.

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