Education Knowledge

Boarding schools in Europe

Boarding schools in Europe – education information

The best boarding schools abroad, and colleges in Europe for the foreign students are becoming the first step on the path to elite education at prestigious universities around the world. The choice of a private educational institution for foreign children determines the quality of academic education, the type of diploma received upon completion of studying, what foreign languages the child will master while studying at school. The top 5 countries offering the most elite schooling in the world are the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Canada, Austria.

Studying at the prestigious boarding schools will allow the foreign students to prepare in the best way for university admission, further life and work abroad. Knowledge of English and other foreign languages, the ability to communicate with representatives of different cultures, the skills to adapt to the academic requirements and traditions of another country – all these abilities acquired while studying at a foreign boarding school or college will allow the child to become successful in today’s rapidly changing world, to be a universal specialist of the international labour market.

Advantages of the studying in the best schools in the world

  • The best boarding schools, while remaining faithful to traditions, introduce modern programs, innovative teaching technologies, technical achievements into the educational process, and use online resources. Advanced programs and leading teachers allow the international students to achieve excellent academic results, a high average score, and successfully pass final exams.
  • The certificate of prestigious boarding schools in Europe gives a few extra points to its graduates: admissions committees pay attention to the famous name of the educational institution, as it is most often a guarantee of a high level of teaching academic disciplines, attentive attitude to the psychological readiness of each student for further education – the formation of self-study skills, responsibility, ability to work individually / in a team.
  • The main specific of boarding schools is a small number of students in one group, the optimal ratio of students and teachers, the ability to apply an individual approach, to conduct personal consultations and classes. An important part of the educational process is the identification of the educational, creative, sports potential of the child, attention to his educational needs, peculiarities.
  • The boarding schools pay much attention to the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of a heuristic personality with mental activity, the skills to search for independent and non-obvious solutions, the ability to analyze, synthesize, form independent judgments.
  • Studying in a boarding school teaches the child to household independence, the organization of educational, free time. Life in a school involves compliance with strict rules of conduct, dress code, daily routine: all students are under the constant supervision of experienced teachers, receive help and support in difficult situations, but must strictly comply with the conditions of stay prescribed by the charter of the educational institution. As a rule, these are prohibitions on the use of violence against other students, the use of narcotic substances, smoking, the use of obscene language, inappropriate behaviour.
  • Prestigious boarding schools attract students from all over the world, which allows students to grow in an intercultural environment, learn to respect each other’s cultural differences. Such experience will be useful in the future, when studying and finding employment in international companies, moving to another country.
  • Living and studying in Europe contribute to the rapid development of foreign languages, allows the students to improve English if teaching is conducted in it, or the language of the country where the institution is located. Constant communication with representatives of different nationalities helps in the development of other foreign languages. The curriculum includes a second and sometimes a third language.

Top boarding schools – regional specifics

The best boarding schools traditionally include educational institutions in the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, but in recent decades boarding schools in Canada, Germany, Asia have gained popularity. The most popular independent day and boarding institutions, located in the following countries:

  • Great Britain
  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Czech Republic
  • The United States
  • Canada
  • France
  • Austria
  • Ireland

If you are looking for a boarding school in Asia, then India, Japan (and its islands), China, including Hong Kong, have the best and widest selection of international schools in the region serving a large number of foreign students.

In South America, most institutions offer the IB program in Spanish, English or both. Bilingual schools teach about half of academic disciplines in Spanish, the rest in English. About 25% of the teaching staff are native English speakers who came from abroad.

Schools for foreign students   – tuition fee

The best boarding schools in Europe offer quality education, but their prices are much higher than in public ones. The cost of studying in foreign countries depends on the ranking of the educational institution and increases gradually depending on the age group. Studying may require additional expenses:

  • Registration fee
  • Transfer fee
  • Contribution to the School development Fund
  • Expenses for food, transport, if they are not included
  • Cost of uniforms.

Some institutions offer discounts on tuition fees if 2-3 children from the same family study here.

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