Health Knowledge

The Best Places to Grow Marijuana Outdoors

If you smoke a lot, you’ll only need the harvest from five to seven huge female marijuana plants to last the entire year – presuming they were developed properly and are as healthy as possible. Outdoor marijuana cultivation does not necessitate a vast plot of land.

Best outdoor grow sites

This is not to claim that a suitable growth location will be easy to come by. When determining where to cultivate your marijuana outdoors, numerous factors to consider.

If you want to cultivate marijuana outdoors, you should look for a clearing that is isolated and near a riverbank, with nutrient-rich soil that does not have rocks in it and is exposed to the sun throughout the day.

The most critical issue to consider while selecting a site is, of course, your safety. I49 makes it easy for you to go through the following topics to choose:

Grow site examples

Few people have the privilege of cultivating marijuana in their backyard, but it is always the best alternative. You’re never far from your plants, and you can water them as needed while keeping prying or suspicious eyes out of your garden.

Even still, marijuana has a strong odor, so keep the plants away from your neighbor’s fence.

Marijuana cultivation on a balcony

A balcony, like a garden, provides you with a convenient location to cultivate marijuana. Balconies, unlike residential gardens, can be seen from the street or by neighbors who also have balconies.

Cover your plants with a frosted plastic film to keep them out of sight but still in the sun. The film can also help to minimize the spread of marijuana odor. Plants in the northern hemisphere should be placed facing south (if possible) to receive the most sunlight during the day.

Marijuana cultivation on a roof terrace

A roof patio provides your plants with all-day sun, but scents and strong winds might be an issue. Small amounts of wind are beneficial for thicker stems, but continual windy circumstances (such as those seen on the seashore) are detrimental to marijuana plants. If you reside in a windy area, look for windshields.


Marijuana cultivation on a vacant building’s roof

Some people do not have access to their roof terraces, balconies, or gardens. Therefore, another roof will work. If you can discover an empty building with a top that no one else can easily access, you may have found the ideal urban setting for your outdoor marijuana growing.

It may be appealing to grow on roofs that are difficult to access yet are not empty. Just be aware that appliances or equipment such as air conditioners may be there and may require maintenance regularly.

Marijuana cultivation in the woods

The woodland is an excellent location for guerrilla marijuana cultivation. It’s always a fascinating adventure hiking through the woods, attempting to find a spot with plenty of sun, a local water source, and a long-distance from any trails or routes.

If there are no streams, you may be able to find groundwater by digging (sometimes only 3 feet deep). However, in most situations, the soil in the forest is highly acidic (low pH level).

Acidic soil is a concern in pine woods and meadows. Sometimes, it’s best to fill a hole with superior, nutrient-rich soil. You might be able to bring 15-gallon pots packed with good soil.

Marijuana cultivation on a riverbank

Rivers and streams have what is known as a riverside, which has a variety of tall, green vegetation such as canes and nettles. The soil in these areas is frequently moist and the plants do not need to be watered. You can improve nutrition quality by adding a nutrient solution once a month.

These areas are likewise tricky to reach. You might have to swim over a river to get to your guerilla marijuana garden because most other people aren’t willing to do it.

Marijuana cultivation in an open field

Given how large a field is, this may be a horrible idea, but if you camouflage your cannabis with other plants, you can get away with it. You get all the sun your plant could want in an easy-to-access area where it’s impossible to determine.

Heathland is typically acidic, but if the field contains grass or other vegetation, marijuana should thrive. Nitrogen-loving nettles indicate that the soil is rich in nitrogen, one of the most crucial macronutrients for marijuana growth.

Even so, it’s better to start your seedlings in a pot or a hole filled with fertile soil. Keep the plants near brambles and nettles so that they are not visible to passers-by.

Marijuana cultivation in a cornfield

Even if you don’t own a cornfield, they are great for marijuana cultivation. If you plant in the center of the corn, your plants will receive plenty of sunlight, privacy, and all the water and nutrients they require.

If you know another breeder who has a cornfield and secretly grows marijuana, asks them if you can plant there. Otherwise, attempting guerrilla farming on someone else’s property is quite dangerous.


Your plants will still need to be grown outside of the cornfield initially. You’ll have to wait until the farmer stops working the field with a tractor, around the end of May or the beginning of July. When the marijuana plants are transferred to the area, they should be between 10 and 15 inches tall.

Plant in the center of the field, leaving about 3 to 5 feet between plants. Mark the rows where your plants are by using an object or a natural item to gauge their distance. Corn will grow to many feet tall in a few weeks, effectively concealing your marijuana plants.

Find the best places

First and foremost, search for feminized seeds for sale. After planting your seeds, you must ensure that your location is not discovered. If your marijuana plants are found by someone else, they will become unusable instantly, and you will lose your entire crop.

If you have it on your property, keep yourself secure by putting it in a place where you can deny knowing it. If the plants are in a remote enough area on your property, you may be able to get away with claiming you had no idea they were there.

Some farmers build their greenhouses to conceal the types of plants they cultivate. Although this eliminates your ability to deny any knowledge of it, it significantly reduces the likelihood of your crop being discovered.

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