Mostly any kind of special event including but not limited to celebrations, formal office meetings and fundraisers normally start with a formal opening. Usually, hundreds of people participate in these kind of events. The best way to start an event as well as giving the attendees a basic idea about the event, is by giving a welcome speech.
A good welcome speech attracts the participants towards the event, making them interested in it. It is one of the best ways to set the tone for a particular event. It can either be formal or informal depending on the occasion. It is essential to start your speech by greeting your attendees especially the chief guest. After greeting them, give an outline of the event and then end your speech by introducing the next orator. While writing the welcome speech, it is essential to set the perfect tone according to the event, as well as that you keep the speech short and sweet.
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Benefits of Welcome Speech
Before writing a welcome speech, it is important to know that how beneficial writing one can be. A lot of people do not realize the importance of a welcome speech. Therefore, here are some of the benefits:
It helps to officially start an event
The most obvious benefit of writing a welcome speech is that it helps you to formally open any kind of occasion or event. For example, a lecture, a meeting, a celebration or a workshop. All these kind of events can be officially opened with the help of a welcome speech. It also helps to allure the guests to take an interest in the event or vice versa. Although, a good welcome speech will always charm the audience’s heart.
It helps to set a tone for an event

Happy business team talking to their candidate on a job interview in the office.
Another benefit of writing a welcome speech is that it helps you to set the tone for a particular event. The words selected in the speech, how they are sentenced and delivered. These three things combined, create and set the tone. By setting the tone suitable for the event, you make the audience to listen and focus on the event. Once you have their attention, you can talk about all the important stuff related to the event especially the reason for why they have been invited.
It is quite vital to set the tone right according to the event. One wrong step can result in a disaster.
List of Sample Welcome Speeches
Writing a welcome speech by yourself maybe harder than you think. Therefore, a list of sample welcome speeches for different occasions is given below.
Welcome speech for freshmen in college given by the principal
Today is an exciting day for all of us because from onwards today, a whole new batch of students will be studying at the Cedar college. I would like to welcome and congratulate all of you on this exciting day. Choosing a new college and studying in it can be a new life-changing chapter in your life which can be full of both, excitement and anxiety. But let me tell you that I want all of us to begin this new journey together.
You all freshmen spend your last year or maybe more, on surfing through college websites, spending your allowance just to visit campuses, studying for stressful examinations, proving your worthiness to admission officers by giving difficult interviews as well as writing unnecessarily long essays about yourself. Last but not the least, answering uncomfortable questions from friends or relatives like ‘where are you going to College?’ ‘what are you going to study in that college?’. Fortunately, this prolonged process has come to an end and now you are ready to turn the page. Finally, it is time to start fresh and reinvent yourself and your life. By discovering new passions and making new friends here, a vibrant college known as the Cedar college.
In case anyone asks you the question ‘why Cedar college?’ As a dean, I can ensure you that you have chosen the perfect college for you. This college is one of the best colleges in Pakistan and it holds a unique place in my heart. As a principal and as a parent of two sons who both went to this college, I can assure you that you have selected the right college. I will, along with the teachers, make sure that every one of you reach your full potential in the most effective and exciting way.
As a professor, I want to give you a piece of advice. Not to worry, this advice is not related to doing chores. All I want to say to all of you is that, do not become a robot and do whatever you are told or carry out tasks just to get good grades. Good grades are important but I want you to become more responsible. I want you to take possession of your own life, your mind as well as your education. Of course, this journey will be full of hardships but even so I want all of you to take this journey with joy, with humility, and the most important one, with patience. If you are stuck in this journey and feel like you are all alone. I want you to remember that I am here for you, that every teacher in this campus is here for you, so do not forget to ask for help. Always remember to visit a teacher in office hours or maybe talk with your new friends.
Many of you have different dreams and goals in your life but there is one goal that everyone wants to achieve. The dream to successfully change this world for greater good. The education here at Cedar will allow all of you to achieve that dream.
Welcome Speech for Farewell Given by Juniors
Dear distinguished Dean, respected director, teaching faculty as well as non-teaching faculty and my fellow schoolmates. A warm welcome to each and every one of you.
I, Ali Khan from Class-X Section A, science department, will be hosting today’s wonderful farewell. Today is an important day for all of us, especially for our seniors. Nearly, each and every one of them has almost spent their 13 years studying in this school. Today is the day, when our seniors will have to say goodbye to this school and start a new journey in their lives.
Whenever we needed help, our seniors were always there to help us whether it was a test or a project. They were always ready to help us. You can say that they always have been acting as our elder sisters or brothers, which has created a strong emotional bond between the juniors and the seniors. Hence, for us as juniors, it will not be easy for us to bid adieu to them. however, we all understand that you have to leave this school and continue your higher education elsewhere.
The reason we have organized a farewell for you guys tonight is because we wanted all of you seniors to feel good about yourself in the most unique way as well as giving each one of you the opportunity to express your feelings on the stage. But before I call out my seniors, let us not forget the person that made this farewell possible in the first place. On behalf of the entire X Class, I would like to express our earnest gratitude to our distinguished principle. He listened to all of our needs and cooperated in arranging the required things needed for this farewell. Not only the principle but the teachers as well, this event would not be possible without the help of our teachers. I also would like to thank them for their support.
Now, back to the topic. Looking back at the time we spent together with our seniors was the best. However, like all journeys, this journey also must come to an end. I think I am speaking for everyone in Class X when I say that you guys were the best seniors; one could ask for. There is one thing that I liked the most in our relationship and it was that there was no awkwardness between us.
Each and every one of you are like a role model to us. We juniors look up to you and observe how you study and how much you study. There is one quality that I like the most in you guys and it is your sense of unity and teamwork. Whenever there is a major problem, all of you start working together to solve the problem effectively. As your juniors, we still have a lot to learn from you.
Therefore, we have organized this farewell party so we can express our regard towards all of you. Now, please sit back, relax and enjoy this lovely evening. Now, I would humbly request our respected principle to kindly come on stage and say a few words to our seniors.
Thank you!
Welcome Speech for the Chief Guest on Independence Day
Dear respected principal, teachers, invited guests, parents and my fellow students. I, Moosa Khan of Class IX Section C on behalf of the principal and faculty, welcome you all to this special occasion. Although, I must say that it is quite an honor to be blessed with the presence of so many special people.
The land where people from different religions, communities and cultures come together and celebrate and enjoy this day as one. This land known as Pakistan. On 14th of august Pakistan got independence 70 years ago from the British and we are proud to say that our ancestors deserved this, after all the struggle and sacrifices they have done for this nation. Since everyone has gathered on this occasion, I wish each and every one of you a very Happy Independence Day!
Among us we have an impressive personality, Mr. Baloch, whose great grandfather had a major role in getting the independence and now following his footsteps Mr. Baloch is an aspiring politician who is known for his good deeds. After completing his major in construction, he repaired and built many roads in our town. After a while, he founded a NGO that helps the deprived and poor children. Mr. Baloch loves to write in his spare time. He has written several pages on social issues such as unemployment and poverty. Due to his selfless service to Pakistan, his presence is quite inspirational as well as motivational to the students. it is an honor to have him with us on Independence Day as a chief guest.
May I now humbly request our Dean Mr. Brown to honour our chief guest with the bouquet.
I would like to use this opportunity to welcome and thank all the parents, who have been supporting the vision this school has. This support and trust from the parents is what helps us to motivate ourselves and achieve our goals efficiently. I would also like to utilize this opportunity and thanks all the teachers, staff members and the students who have been working hard day and night in order to make every event a huge success.
As per tradition, City School celebrates the Independence Day with various cultural programs and this year too, we will be celebrating this special occasion with all kinds of cultural programs, which will be performed by my fellow students. City school’s motto is to become a fine human being. Hence, despite the fact that all of the students performing these cultural programs belong to different caste, communities, culture, creed, economic or religion background. They still celebrate the Independence Day together.
but first, before starting the program, I would like to humbly request everyone to stand up and sing our national anthem together with everyone else in order to pay the respect to the soldiers as well as our ancestors who sacrificed their lives for this nation.
After the national anthem, I would like to request the honorable chief guest to come on stage and share a few words with us.
Thank you!
Welcome Speech for School Opening Day
I, John Brown Class of X-B, give a hearty welcome to every one of you. Honorable principal, distinguished teachers and staff, and lastly, my fellow students, welcome back to the City School.
Today is a beautiful occasion, almost every student including me eagerly wait for school to reopen. We all want to catch up with our close friends and meet our favorite teacher once again. These are just some of the reasons why we eagerly wait for this day. It may be surprising but a lot of students do not feel the same because they do not like going to school overall.
Anyways, before any further ado, I would like to thank Mr. Robert, the director and principal of the City School. I would also like to thank our teachers who have been working hard just to make sure that every event is a grand success. As students, we should be thankful for these teachers who give us fatherly confidence as well as motherly love. Their endless care, support and guidance makes us what we are today.
Now, let us start our year at school with expectations, hopes and most importantly dreams. Dreams are important because no matter how successful we are in our life; we will always try to achieve our so called dreams. Also, there is something weird yet magical about success. Everyone remembers only the first position holders. For example, everyone knows the name of the first man to step on moon that is, Neil Armstrong. However, if you ask someone the name of the second man to step on moon, barely anyone remembers that person.
Intentionally or unintentionally, we do not value the hard work of second or third position holders. However, contrary to popular opinion, everyone deserves fame and a notable status because everyone works hard and give their best in achieving their dreams. In my opinion, what matters the most is that you compare yourself with your yesterday, and not with your classmates. Also, it is important to never give up and keep working hard towards your dream because hard work always pays off.
A wise man once said that the secret to success is “perseverance and patience”. Thank you all for listening to me. I said it once and I will say it twice- welcome back to the school of perseverance and patience, welcome back to the City school.
After reading this article, you now know the basics of welcome speech, its benefits and written examples of the welcome speech. However, if you decide to write a welcome speech on your own, make sure to keep some tips in mind. For instance, make sure that the audience is enjoying your speech if it is a fun event, remember to thank them for attending despite their busy schedule. It is advisable to practice your speech in front of the mirror or with your friends before the real event.