Health Knowledge

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tags are usually painless growths that develop on your skin and, even though that can be annoying, are noncancerous. Usually, they are small, often between two and five milliliters, but can grow to be several centimeters. Both men and women can get these kinds of growths at any age, but they’re most common in people over 50 years old.

Any place on your body is capable of having skin tags, especially areas with a lot of friction where the skin rubs against other skin or items of clothing. This causes skin tags to be notoriously annoying when they get caught on clothes or jewelry in those key locations.

Some of the most common places for skin tags are:







We know what skin tags are, but what exactly causes them?

What Makes Skin Tags

The science is still out on what the specific causes are for skin tags, but we have some ideas. One of the theories is that skin tags are the result of clusters of collagen and blood vessels that get stuck in thicker pieces of skin.

They often form in places with significant skin-to-skin contact, which leads some to believe that skin tags are caused primarily by friction.

It’s also possible that skin tags are impacted by genetics, with some evidence to support that susceptibility to having these growths can be inherited.

Lastly, they can happen in all genders equally but there is some data suggesting that pregnant women have a higher chance of getting skin tags than other groups. Not to mention that there is some connection between high insulin levels and skin tag development.

Regardless, even if we don’t have a single explanation for skin tags we do have ways to treat them.

Risk Factors

There are certain factors that could make you more susceptible to developing skin tags, and they’re important to know.

Studies show that individuals with obesity, diabetes, HPV, sex-steroid imbalance, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure are known to have a higher chance of getting skin tags than other groups.

Skin tags are harmless themselves but could be a sign of some deeper problem. Based on some of these factors it is thought that a high number of skin tags could imply a higher risk of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease.

In addition, more rarely skin tags can be associated with more serious conditions like Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome and Polycystic ovary syndrome.

If you’re concerned about skin tags then it may be wise to consult a dermatologist. Or, alternatively, you could get them removed from your skin.

Removing Skin Tags

Since skin tags are usually safe, removing them becomes a cosmetic preference for those who don’t like keeping them around.

One of the most simple and effective methods of removing skin tags is by using Hempvana Endtag, a topical skin tag remover that dries out the growth until it falls off on it’s own. It’s great for all types of skin and is essential to restoring your confidence by removing obnoxious skin tags.

This product is enriched with hemp seed oil, which is known for its moisturizing benefits so that the area surrounding your tag stays smooth after it is removed. Plus, these oils aid in absorption while being imbued with beneficial elements of turmeric and aloe.

You simply brush Hempvana Endtag on and your skin tags will fall off and stay off.

Other more expensive and invasive options for skin tag removal are:





These methods are effective but can be so much more stressful than using a topical solution.

The Deal With Skin Tags

While they can be annoying or concerning, it’s undeniable that skin tags are a mostly benign growth that is all too common for everyone.

Studies show that almost half of adults have at least one skin tag somewhere on their bodies, and most people don’t even notice their skin tags at all.

Some skin tags with longer stalks can get twisted, cutting off blood supply and causing pain or discoloration. If you notice any significant changes to your skin tags or feel any pain, you should probably consult a doctor about them.

Otherwise, don’t hesitate to remove these nuisance growths and give yourself some peace of mind.

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