Education Knowledge

My Future Career Essay

In my opinion, when it comes to choosing future career people can be divided into three basic groups. The first group is those people who have always known what they wanted to be, they tend and groom their choice and when the time comes to take up a respective major. The people of the second group are those who are not sure about their vocation till some particular point of time, usually the senior high school years, then they get the sparkle of inspiration from either their parents, peers, or teachers, and make up their mind. The third group is those unfortunate people who do not know what to connect their lives with, they jump from one animation to another and then end up enrolling in the first college they get accepted to.

I can definitely relate myself to the first group of people who are from an early age inspired by their choice of career. It is said that the decision to become a doctor is a very personal one. For many, it takes years of personal realization and for others, it has always been their life’s calling. Personally, I have always wanted to connect my life with medicine, there was no ruminations or hesitations on this matter. From early years I was particularly curious about the human body. For me, I felt that everybody should study medicine to know about the way his/her body works. Furthermore, I knew that studying medicine is very challenging and complicated. Though that is the kind of a person I am, I love challenges and I survive on them.

When it came to choosing the school to go to I also did not have to think twice. As early as in Junior High School I already set my mind on applying to the Windsor University School of Medicine. I would like to connect my life with this school because I am motivated, fast learning and I am ready to work very hard. I know that studying at Windsor University is a challenge because its faculty is the most experienced MD’s and Ph.D.’s most of who have been working for the school for the last decade. Though, as I have already mentioned, I am fond of facing challenges and overcoming them.

Without a shadow of a doubt, if accepted, I would do my best to contribute to the unique environment of Windsor. All through my school years, I was involved in many extracurricular activities, and I was an active member of the community. It would be a pleasure for me to join the student community of Windsor and contribute in any way I can to its activities.

In conclusion, I would like to say that with all my heart I feel that I belong to the field connected with medicine. The professions in this field are uniquely granted with tremendous society challenges, responsibilities, and permissions to other humans that are not given in any other professions. I would like to be a member of this profession and I am ready to hold the comfort but also the life of others in my own hands. Being a med student is a challenge, being a doctor is a challenge, and being a good doctor is another challenge. Without a shadow of doubt, I am ready to face these challenges and overcome them in the best manner possible. I would be very honored and delighted if I was given a chance to face these challenges at Windsor University School of Medicine.

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